improve yourself & teams
- Research consistently shows the top two reasons employees stay or leave is development opportunities and good leadership, NOT money.
- Training builds culture, improves teamwork and productivity.
- These dynamic interactive experiential signature programs bridge the gap to higher performance, develop self-management skills, reduce weak links, and create a healthy culture.
#1: Know Yourself & How to Manage the Blind Spots Impacting Your Potential (1 day)
#2: How to Communicate that’s Targeted & Influential with Less Effort (1 day)
#3: Manager As Coach
#4: Enhance Customer Service
#5: Using the Enneagram in Coaching & Leadership
#6: Emotional Intelligence as a Core Competency for Success
(See below for additional programs…)
As a instructional design expert in adult learning, Ken has designed and led hundreds of programs and workshops for thousands of participants worldwide, and certified trainers in T3 (train-the-trainer) programs. He is also a keynote speaker, and facilitated customized corporate meetings and off-site sessions.

Training Programs & Seminars
These courses deliver excellence and empowerment in a rapidly changing world. These programs are primarily offered onsite and occasionally as public programs. Sometimes the host company will allow public registrations, which will be shown on the public calendar. If you’re on the private email list, you will be automatically notified of available programs before the general public.
Leadership Essentials in a Changing Workforce
Influential Leadership: Leveraging Strengths – Navigating Derailers
Performance Management
How to Give Constructive Feedback
How to Manage Conflict
Creating High-Performing Teams
Team Building
How to Write a Targeted Self-Assessment
How to Hire the Right People
Influential Leadership
Three Secrets to a Competitive Edge
Using Emotional Intelligence, a Critical Core Competency for the Future
How to Operationalize Your Business – Beyond the Business Plan
Using the Enneagram in Coaching and Leadership
Entrepreneurs/Owners mastermind group
High Potential Leadership group
Coaching & Mentoring group
#1 Unlocking Potential: Discovering Your Style (4 hrs)
Unlocking Potential: Discovering Your Style
(Click on the above link for a full description.) Bring out the best in yourself by discovering your style, how you influence and relate to others, and how blind spots impact your potential. You will discover the critical success factors that will absolutely improve your effectiveness with clients, customers, colleagues and friends, in addition to yourself and running a business. This program also introduces the Enneagram system so you can observe the styles of others in action. Activities include individual assessments, demonstrations, exercises, and group discussions. You will develop skills that are long-term and self-sustaining. This workshop is the prerequisite for other programs that build upon it. Many people have attended this dynamic workshop more than once.
#2 Unlocking Potential: Styles of Self and Influencing Others (4 hrs)
This program builds on the first workshop to go deeper into utilizing tools for self management and how to be more effective with others, clients, customers, peers and friends. You will understand how to interact and influence thinkers, feelers, and reactors that will amaze you. People who attend this workshop are entitled to a free 30-minute telephone coaching call and membership into “High Potential” group, which includes access to additional tools, keys, private group discussions and discounts to future events.
#3 Unlocking Potential: Achieving Sustainable Success
Activities for your long-term sustainable development. This program is dedicated to the personal and professional development activities best suited to individuals of each Enneagram style. In addition to these style-specific exercises, participants also learn how to use other aspects of the Enneagram system for their growth, including changing their mental patterns and emotional habits and using wing styles, stress-security points, and Enneagram subtypes. Activities are primarily experiential individual work, small group exercises and discussion, and large group exercises interspersed with discussion about why certain activities are effective for each Enneagram style (Half-day, one-day, and two-day or longer programs are available.)
Keynote #1: Three Secrets to a Competitive Edge (1 hr)
Learn the three greatest secrets to a competitive edge that consistently guarantees success for every business owner, consultant and entrepreneur. Since we are the greatest obstacles to our own success, you will discover in this keynote what are the core targeted integrated processes that ensure sustainable results in business planning and performance management. This seminar is only available to high-potential business leaders, entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and executives who are intent on whole-scale success.
Keynote #2: Using Emotional Intelligence for Ensured Success (1 hr)
Whether in business, consulting, government or leadership, Emotional Intelligence is a core competency that is the single greatest predictor of success more than either work experience or standard IQ scores. Regardless of who you are or what you do, it’s essential that you understand how to manage yourself and effectively relate to and influence others in meaningful and impactful ways. Emotional Intelligence is the first key step to your success because we are the greatest obstacles to our own success. In this interactive lecture you will understand personality types and how blind spots impact your potential professionally and personally. Can you afford to not know how to maximize your potential, or bring out the best in yourself, your business, or your relationships? This is a value-packed limited one-hour lecture and is incorporated into the “Unlocking Potential” workshop series. People on the private email list receive notification of open attendance opportunities in addition to periodic special offers.
Keynote #3: Using the Enneagram in Coaching & Self Management (1 hr)
The Enneagram is one of the most powerful targeted personality tools available to unlock potential in leadership, coaching of clients and employees. It’s a key to self management and higher Emotional Intelligence, which is the single greatest predictor of success, adaptability, and effectiveness. It refers to the nine (“Ennea”) personality points and roots back many centuries offering insights into the ways in which people feel, think and behave. As a coach, leader, and individual it will reveal blind spots that block potential. It opens the door to understanding of one’s self and impact on other for deep level self-sustaining transformation. It is scientifically validated and available in the public domain, which doesn’t require a license or purchase for usage. The presenter, Ken Sergi, has utilized MBTI, DISC and the Enneagram in both business and personal coaching of clients. The Enneagram has proven to be the easiest and most powerful wholistic tool for the greatest sustainable transformation. This is a value-packed limited one-hour lecture and is incorporated into the “Unlocking Potential” workshop series. People on the private email list receive notification of open attendance opportunities in addition to periodic special offers.
#1: High Potential Leadership group.
#2: Coaching & Mentoring group.
#1: Effective Performance Management (and SMART objectives)
Outcomes are critical to business success. You can’t afford to not know the 4 key steps in the cycle of achieving employee outcomes that are absolutely essential to the success of business. Without these skills and tools you are assured to not achieve the true potential of your group or organization and likely have a negative impact. Leadership starts with these 4 steps to guarantee that you are moving everyone in the same direction. You will understand the method of identifying and developing essential skills and competencies that guarantee success. Understanding these tools and practices are applicable in all environments and industries (public, private, non-profit, and commercial).
#2: Leveraging Your Leadership: Coaching & Mentoring of Employees
Designed for managers and leaders who want to effectively coach or mentor employees to achieve higher potential. This program highlights the 5 stages of an effective coaching relationship, techniques for working with clients of each style, and using the Enneagram to identify the clients core issues. Activities include self-assessments, brief lectures, small group exercises, large group discussions and interaction, and multiple opportunities for skill practice. (Half-day, one-day, and two-day or longer programs are available.)
#3: Leveraging Your Leadership: Maximize Strengths – Navigate Derailers
Bring out your leadership strengths and deal constructively with your derailers/blind spots. Because a person’s leadership style so closely reflects his or her Enneagram style, this program focuses on the multiple aspects of that connection: (1) how the leadership paradigm of each Enneagram style determines and limits a leader’s behavior; (2) the gifts and strengths of each Enneagram style, and how, the leader’s greatest strengths often becomes his or her greatest weaknesses; and (3) the leadership derailers that are common to each Enneagram style, including how to prevent these derailers from impeding the leader’s effectiveness. Activities include self-assessment, lectures, simulations, individual feedback, small group exercises, and small and large group discussions. (Programs vary in duration. 360 feedback can be used.)
#4: Communicating Effectively
Improve your communication skills with everyone. In this program, participants learn to assess their communication styles in a different way, identifying how the nine Enneagram styles unintentionally distort what they say and simultaneously filter what they hear. From this new perspective, participants practice communicating more clearly and listening more fully. Using the sender-receiver communication model, this program helps participants understand their Enneagram style-based distortions both in sending messages to others – i.e., speaking style, body language, and blind spots – and in hearing what others are communicating to them. Activities include self-assessment, mini-lectures, observations, small group exercises, large group discussions and interaction, and skill development. (Half-day, one-day, and two-day programs are available.)
#5: Giving Constructive Feedback
In this skill-based program, participants learn how to give effective feedback to others. Building on the foundation of the Feedback Formula, the Enneagram is used to help fine-tune the feedback process by helping participants learn to do the following: (1) avoid typical Enneagram style-based errors when giving feedback to other people, and (2) tailor the feedback to the Enneagram style of the feedback recipient. Activities include lecture, case studies, observation, small group exercises, small and large group discussions, demonstrations, and skill practice. (Half-day, one-day, and two-day or longer programs are available.)
#6: Managing Conflict
Prevent, de-escalate, and resolve conflict in almost any situation. Integrating the Pinch-Crunch Conflict Model with the insights of the Enneagram, this program teaches participants how to do the following: (1) prevent many conflict situations from arising; (2) de-escalate conflict once it occurs; and (3) use conflict as a basis for mutual understanding and self-insight. Participants will identify the anger triggers (“pinches”) of the nine Enneagram styles, learn to use their own pinches as opportunities for personal development, and practice techniques for approaching individuals of each Enneagram style in conflict (“crunch”) situations. Activities include individual assessment, dual and small group discussions, brief lectures, large group discussions and interaction, demonstration, and skill practice. (Half-day, one-day, and two-day or longer programs are available.)
#7: Creating High-Performing Teams
Become an excellent team leader and team member. This program teaches both team leaders and team members how to create high-performing teams. Integrating the Enneagram with models from organization development, the program focuses on four areas: (1) establishing common team goals, (2) identifying the ideal interdependence between and among team members, (3) expanding the repertoire of roles that individuals of each Enneagram style play on teams, and (4) dramatically altering the Enneagram-based behaviors people exhibit at the four stages of a team’s life cycle (Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing). Activities include lectures, individual assessment, small group activities, individual feedback, large and small group discussions, and simulations. (Half-day, one-day, and two-day or longer programs are available.)