What is coaching? And what is the value?
- Learn your inner core drivers that impact how operate
- Manage the blind spots that block your success with confidence & clarity
- Raise your Emotional Intelligence for greater self-control and adaptability
- Improve decision-making, leadership, communication, and relationships
- Accelerate your influence that is targeted and self-sustaining
- Develop new skills, habits, and practices with a skilled professional
- Leverage your your ability to be more agile with changing demands in work and life
- It’s the highest leveraged ROI activity a leader can do to execute strategies & achieve highest performance
- Can improve performance by 70%
- Can improve relationships by 73%
- Can improve self-confidence by 80%
- Can increase employee retention by 32%
- Can increase profitability by 22%

1) Employees want development opportunities.
2) Leaders want to be influential to drive change & retain good employees.
Money is NOT the top 2 reasons people stay or leave.
Most leaders and employees are not prepared in a way that is specific to their needs.
The “Good to Great” research indicates that most executives will need coaching to achieve a top performing level of excellence.
Professional coaching is THE premier way to develop skills and abilities to improve performance and impact.
It’s a one-to-one collaborative relationship between a qualified professional and individual.
It facilitates discovery of yourself, your core drivers, and blind spots that impact your success.
It elevates your skills to improve decision-making, teamwork, and manage the blind spots with confidence & clarity.
It’s a commitment to support your customized professional and personal development and goals.
It reinforces learning and competence to apply acquired skills that is deeper, systemic & self-sustaining.
It’s a relationship with an ally to provide expert, unbiased perspectives.
It can incorporate tools, such personality assessment, and practices.
It elevates leadership and management skills.
It’s confidential.
Not all coaches are the same. Ken is not only a professionally certified coach, but also Master Trainer with Organization Development (“OD”) expertise for business, who trains other coaches and develops programs for companies worldwide that are used by other professionals. He is certified in multiple assessment tools and methodologies that can adapt to your style and needs. Ken has helped thousands of leaders, companies, trainers, coaches, consultants, and individuals worldwide
He also has a unique background with diverse international experience as a business owner, employee and consultant who takes an systemic integrated approach that aligns strategic directions to coaching outcomes for unparalleled skyrocketing success.
Coaches certified with Ken are some of the most qualified and experienced available.
Veteran coaches with 15 years or more experience produce 76% “excellent” outcomes compared to 49% with less experience. (1)
(1) See attached PDF for research reference.
Initial discussion to determine a good fit.
Personal assessment & 90-minute coaching debrief.
Set goals specific to your needs and build an action plan.
Meet on a regular weekly or bi-weekly basis for 2 – 12 months.
Evaluate progress and make adjustments.
1) Conduct a personality assessment online and receive a 90-minute coaching debrief. If you do nothing else, this one thing can change your life, your leadership, your influence, and your happiness.
2) Then decide if you want to do more for yourself through a coaching program.
Coaching programs are your best investment to achieve business and personal success that can exceed your expectations with a proven return on investment as high as 570%, self-confidence by 80%, relationships by 73%, and work/life balance by 67%. You become more targeted in understanding yourself, your core motivations, and style of leadership, decision-making, communication, and interpersonal relationships. Through coaching you address the strengths, challenges, and blind spots to unlock your potential and be significant more influential that is transformation and self-sustaining.
For leadership, individuals and professional development
It’s a confidential one-on-one opportunity to target your individual development and accelerate your success whether you’re a business leader, executive, owner, or professional. You work with a skilled professional in a collaborative partnership built on trust with a commitment to support you in a way that develops internal competence that is transformational, long-term, and self-sustaining.
Coaching is structured to facilitate the alignment of where you’re going and how to get there, producing desired outcomes through practices and feedback, while addressing “blind spots” or obstacles that block your potential. You will understand more about yourself and how to operate more successfully. Your Coach is an ally to provide expert unbiased perspectives and hard truths blended with skilled methodologies and diverse real-world experience.

Executive and leadership coaching strategically supports your ability to successfully lead, impact and influence the organization. Employee coaching improves performance. Coaches create structure to align goals through practices and feedback while addressing “blind spots” or obstacles that block success for transformation development.
Assessment tools can be utilized to determine base-line skills or personality to address the whole person. Programs are designed specifically for the individual with practices and feedback that can be challenging and meaningful for transformational development.
You will develop skills and competencies to be self-aware and self-correcting in a manner that maximizes potential and builds long-term self-sustaining success. Coaching is not an enforcement process, nor a fix or a guarantee. It is not therapy. Change takes time through awareness and participation. You create and influence the change you want to see or experience.
When there is willingness, motivation and participation, change can happen quickly and at different levels. Achieving independent long-term sustainable success is a critical success factor, which takes time. Some people experience break-throughs in one session. However, since change takes time it’s not always possible to know the duration of a coaching program. Most programs generally last at least a minimum of three months on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Generally when the coaching goes longer then the gap grows bigger. Each circumstance can vary depending on the individual and what is authorized by the company. The style and results of your coach can be referenced by credentials, experience, testimonials and referrals.
coaching the person
A “Business Coach” is someone who is specifically skilled to work with within a business environment. The term “Business coaching” can be used interchangeably to label your individual coaching within a business setting, or refer to executive, leadership, entrepreneur, or employee coaching.
When a business coach is hired to work with an individual within a business, accountability is to the individual being coached. Confidentiality is still maintained where anything discussed in the coaching relationship is not reported back to anyone at the company. This is essential for maintaining trust.
A higher level “Business Coach” is an Organization Development (“OD”) expert skilled at the development of the business or organization from small, medium and large. The coach acts as a consultant with skills, systems, tools, methodologies, and processes, such as hiring, employee performance management, and team development that is aligned with strategic objectives and scaled based on the business or organization.
The systemic integration of this with the Vision and Mission is OD. Being able to replicate and align processes that reinforce what the owner(s), leader(s) or executives value throughout the organization is a keystone to success.
Not all business coaches can coach the business or do Organization Development (“OD”). As a Business Coach and OD specialist with diverse international experience as owner, employee and consultant, Ken Sergi has the unique skills to take an integrated approach that aligns business strategic directions to coaching outcomes for unparalleled skyrocketing success.
The value, savings and growth as a result of my services may far exceed the cost. The value of each service I provide can be measured differently, such as:
Employee retention
Leaders more effectively influencing performance.
Grow the Business
Essential Values
High Performance
The cost of doing nothing can be:
- Disempowered low-performing employees when there is poor leadership.
- The tremendous cost of a bad hire that could have been avoide.
- A lost client when they have a negative employee experience.
What is the value of coaching?
The use of coaching, training, and Organization Development (“OD”) services places you in the leading edge of the growing number of companies who are utilizing these services. Recently I have been providing leadership programs to the U.S. Department of Defense. Coaching is the most powerful, quickest and most cost-effective tool for speeding up development and ensuring success now and tomorrow.
- Coaching has the highest ROI for consulting, training and development investments. Combined with training, coaching produces a 300%-400% increase in retention over training alone.
- FORTUNE magazine reported that the Metropolitan Life intensive coaching program for retail salespeople had an ROI of over 500%. Productivity rose an average of 35%. 50% identified new markets. Retention was 100%. (Industry statistics show replacing a salesperson with 3 years experience costs $140,000.) The program cost about $620,000 and delivered $3.2 million in measurable gains.
- A Manchester Inc. study of 100 executives working with coaches, found a 570% ROI. Productivity increased 53% with quality up 48%. Work relationships with direct reports improved 77%, with supervisors for 71%, and with peers 63%. Overall job satisfaction increased 61% of coached executives.
- The “Good to Great” research indicates the critical impact of Level 5 Leaders on top performing organizations. Most executives will need coaching to achieve this level of excellence.
The Business Case for coaching
Coaching has the highest ROI used by almost all major companies and government.
FORTUNE magazine reports that the Metropolitan Life intensive coaching program for retail salespeople had an ROI of over 500%. Productivity rose an average of 35%. 50% identified new markets. Retention was 100%. (Industry statistics show replacing a salesperson with 3 years experience costs $140,000.) The program cost about $620,000 and delivered $3.2 million in measurable gains.
A Manchester Inc. study of 100 executives working with coaches, found a 570% ROI. Productivity increased 53% with quality up 48%. Work relationships with direct reports improved for 77%, with supervisors for 71%, and with peers for 63%. Overall job satisfaction increased for 61% of coached executives.
About 40% of new executive hires fail within the first 18 months at a cost of 1.5 to 5 times their annual salary.
The reasons:
o Failure to build good relationships with peers and subordinates;
o Confusion or uncertainty about performance expectations;
o Lack of internal political skills; and
o Inability to achieve the two or three core objectives of the new job.
Gallup research indicates that the relationship with the direct supervisor is the key to retention of top performers. Coaching focuses on the competencies and behaviors required.
The “Good To Great” research indicates the critical impact of Level 5 Leaders on top performing organizations. Most executives will need coaching to achieve this level of excellence.
The strength’s and skills that got an executive to a new position may not be the strengths and skills needed for success in that position.
Throughout the coaching I make the following commitment to you:
Absolute confidentiality
A listening heart
An agreed upon time commitment
A true intention to assist you
No dictation of must, should have, or have to
True partnering in your process of growth and learning
Tell the truth and give honest feedback
As your coach, I will ask a few things of you:
A willingness to grow and learn
An open heart to new ideas and practices
Time commitment to do observations, practices, and attend sessions.
Tell the truth and give honest feedback