Download, use, or share any of these valuable gems and free resources to master the art of personal leadership. Includes free self-assessments, Enneagram personality test, professional coaching, and “How to…” tips and cheat sheets.
1- Leadership personality test & one-on-one debrief
2- Manager As Coach: Fundamentals to Better Conversations
3- Your Greatest Strength Can Be Your Biggest Blind Spot
4- Top 2 Reasons People Stay or Leave Their Job
5- Management versus Leadership
6- 8 Signs of an Extraordinary Boss
7- Being influential starts with Minding-the-Gap
8- What Type of Leader Are You? (book)
9- Behavioral Event Interviewing (BEI)
10-How to interview for Emotional Intelligence (EI)
1- How leaders develop a business
2- BUSINESS 101: Business vs Operational Plan
3- BUSINESS 101: What is Organization Development?
4- Three Secrets to a Competitive Edge
5- How to operationalize your business plan
1- Enneagram 9 Types described
2- Enneagram test & one-on-one debrief <–
3- Know Yourself (Johari Worksheet)
4- Know Yourself (Simple 3 questions)
5- Enneagram (phone app)
6- Leadership style (free e-book)
1- Bring Out The Best In Yourself (Bk)
2- Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach (book)
3- The Essential Enneagram (Simple bk)
4- Nine Paths to Awareness, Acceptance, & Transformation
5- How to Know Yourself (Worksheet)
6- The Wisdom of the Enneagram (Bk)
7- Personality Types Using the Enneagram (Bk)
8- Communication Matrix: How to identify & interact (PDF)
9- What Type of Leader Are You? (Bk)
10- Taking Care of Business with the Enneagram (book)
11- The Enneagram Development Guide
12- Exemplar videos of each type
13- Types explained by comedy
14- Types explained through movie characters
15- Psychiatry Online explaining types
1- How to Mind-the-Gap when you think 7x faster
2- How to Reduce Incoming Email -Increases Productivity
3- How to ask clarifying questions for easier conversation
4- How to be influential in one minute
5- Yellow text on blue background increases retention
6- GOALS: Vision Board: How to achieve a goal in 1 step
7- GOALS: How to reverse engineer your goals for success
8- MEETINGS: Ground Rules
9- MEETINGS: How to Conduct a Very Effective Meeting
10- SELF-ASSESSMENT: How to Write a Self-Assessment
11- SELF-ASSESSMENT: How to Know Yourself (Johari)
12- SELF-ASSESSMENT: Ask yourself 3 questions
13- INTERVIEWING: Get the Job in 30 seconds
14- SELF DEVELOPMENT: Bring Out the Best in Yourself
15- SELF DEVELOPMENT: (also see section D)
16- SITTING: How to quiet the mind & be present
1- HABITS: Myth of 21 Days to Change a Habit
2- CALM: How to quiet your mind to be more present, make better decisions, and have better sleep
3- GRATITUDE: How to determine your value
4- BEING BIASED: Naturally Negative
1- Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You Coach (book)
2- Research shows 500% value
3- What is coaching? (PDF)
4- What is coaching? (video)
How to change your perspective (animation)
1 degree of effort makes a BIG difference (video)
What is EI & Why it Matters
Understanding yourself is a key to unlocking your potential and being more influential. Self awareness also raises your Emotional Intelligence (“EI”) which is the greatest predictor of success in life. There are a variety of available tools to facilitate self development, such as MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator), DISC, and Enneagram. Although I am certified in these multiple systems, I now exclusively utilize the Enneagram, since it provides a more wholistic and systemic understanding of who you are, your core drivers, and how to self manage for sustainable success.
These tests are not associated or affiliated with me. I receive no compensation in any way to advocate or link to these assessments.
According to the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations, a person with emotional intelligence (EQ) possesses both personal competence and social competence. Social competence – that is, social awareness and skills-depends on an individual’s personal competence. Personal competence begins with self-awareness – emotional awareness, accurate self assessment, and self-confidence – and then expands to include self-regulation and self-motivation.
The most accurate and useful system available to help develop both personal and social competence is the Enneagram, which is why companies all over the world – Hewlett Packard, Sony, and Disney – are embracing it, and the CIA uses it to predict the behavior of foreign leaders. To use the Enneagram, a person must first accurately identify his or her own Enneagram style from among the nine unique personality styles identified by numbers One through Nine.(1)
(1) from Ginger Lapid-Bogda’s best selling book “Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work”